Our History
Éditions Fœtisch Frères
Charles Fœtisch (Ballenstedt, 24.09.1838-Pully, 13.10.1918), a double bassist, co-founded the quintet La Chapelle de Saint-Gall in Lausanne in 1862 (which became La Chapelle from 1863 to 1867, then Orchestre de Beau-Rivage from 1867 to 1877). In 1865, he established a music business in Lausanne (although its origins date back to 1804). In 1877, he acquired the Delavaux and Hoffmann companies. In 1890, the Fœtisch company established its music publishing arm. In 1897, Charles Fœtisch passed the business to his four sons from his first marriage. In 1907, Éditions Fœtisch Frères was created, and André Jobin joined the company. They mainly published choral music and works by numerous Romand composers, including Gustave Doret (Aigle, 20.09.1866-Lausanne, 19.04.1943) and Abbé Joseph Bovet (Sâles, 07.10.1979-Clarens, 10.02.1951). Upon his retirement in 1938, Jobin handed over his catalog, mainly consisting of pieces by Émile Jaques-Dalcroze (Vienna, 01.07.1865-Geneva, 01.07.1950), to Éditions Fœtisch Frères. On March 1, 1938, Mario Zavadini (1902-1991) was appointed general manager. When he retired in 1975, he sold his shares to Musik Hug in Zurich. In 1976, this acquisition resulted in the new name Fœtisch c/o Hug Musique SA. In 2004, Hug Musique focused solely on the instrumental works of Éditions Fœtisch.

Maison Foetisch frères Lausanne
January 1, 1915
Rue Caroline 1003 Lausanne
Copyright. Musée historique de Lausanne
Martine Desarzens
January 1, 1915
Rue Caroline 1003 Lausanne
Copyright. Musée historique de Lausanne
Martine Desarzens
Éditions Sandoz, Jobin et Cie
In Neuchâtel, William Sandoz published works by Émile Jaques-Dalcroze (Vienna, 01.07.1865-Geneva, 01.07.1950) at the end of the 19th century. Around 1905, Éditions Sandoz became Éditions Sandoz, Jobin et Cie. Apart from publishing the composer and founder of rhythmic education Jaques-Dalcroze's scores, they also published pieces by Otto Barblan (S-chanf, 22.03.1860-Geneva, 19.12.1943) and Joseph Lauber (Ruswil, 27.12.1864-28.05.1952), among others. Finally, they became Éditions Jobin & Cie in Lausanne. Upon his retirement in 1938, André Jobin handed his catalog over to Éditions Fœtisch Frères.
Éditions Henn
Adolphe Henn (Geneva, 22.12.1872-Geneva, 25.03.1955), son of instrument maker Jacob Henn, acquired a small music shop (Au Métronome on Rue de la Corraterie). In 1896, A. Henn published his first edition, Otto Barblan's patriotic cantata (S-chanf, 22.03.1860-Geneva, 19.12.1943) for the Swiss National Exhibition in Geneva. Shortly after, he devoted himself to his publishing house, based in Geneva, which published numerous contemporary Swiss composers as well as some Swiss Baroque and classical works.

Geneva, Rue de la Corraterie:
Facade of the Henn music publishing house
Unknown author
Late 19th - 20th century
Facade of the Henn music publishing house
Unknown author
Late 19th - 20th century
Éditions du Siècle Musical
Between the 1930s and 1960s, Éditions du Siècle Musical was located on Boulevard Helvétique in Geneva. French composer Georges Migot (Paris, 27-02-1891-Levallois, 05.01.1976), who was interested in early music from his country, published a collection of early French music there. However, Éditions du Siècle Musical also published contemporary works, including those by Swiss composers such as Pierre Maurice (Allaman, 13.11.1868-25.12.1936) and Émile Jaques-Dalcroze (Vienna, 01.07.1865-Geneva, 01.07.1950).
Éditions Chorus
Based in Fribourg, Éditions Chorus published works by Abbé Pierre Kaelin (Estavayer-le-Lac, 12.05.1913-Villars-sur-Glâne, 01.06.1995) from 1940. The Chorus catalog was acquired by Éditions Labatiaz in 1987.
Éditions Maurice & Pierre Fœtisch
In 1947, Maurice and Pierre Fœtisch, two grandsons of Charles, left the company founded by their grandfather. They established the publishing house M. et P. Fœtisch (distinct from Fœtisch Frères S.A) on Rue de Bourg in Lausanne.
Choralia Friburgensis
The Cantonale des Chanteurs Fribourgeois Society was founded in 1849. Choralia Friburgensis is their music publishing arm.
Musica Vallensis
The Federation of Valais Singing Societies was founded in 1906. Musica Vallensis is their music publishing arm.
Éditions Gesseney
Swiss composer Dominique Gesseney-Rappo (Valeyres-sous-Rances, 18.01.1953-Champtauroz, 09.09.2022) founded Éditions Gesseney with his brother Christophe Gesseney in 1979. They published works by Henri Baeriswyl, André Ducret, Michel Hostettler, and Robert Mermoud, among others. In 1998, they merged with Éditions Labatiaz.
Éditions musicales Labatiaz
In 1972, Michel Roulin established Éditions Labatiaz in Saint-Maurice, with a focus on choral music by Romand composers. They acquired Éditions Henn, Éditions Maurice & Pierre Fœtisch, Éditions du Siècle Musical, Éditions Chorus, and Éditions Gesseney. They co-published and distributed the Musica Vallensis and Choralia Friburgensis collections. In spring 2023, Frédy Henry Éditions and Éditions Labatiaz merged under the name Éditions musicales Henry Labatiaz.
Frédy Henry Éditions
When Hug Musique exclusively focused on instrumental works from Éditions Fœtisch in 2004, Frédy Henry, then a commercial representative and publishing manager, took over the vocal and choral part and founded Frédy Henry Éditions. In spring 2023, Frédy Henry Éditions and Éditions Labatiaz merged under the name Éditions musicales Henry Labatiaz.